What is the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)?

     With the increase in the richness of the peripherals of microcontrollers and the acceleration of product design processes, designers now need time-saving measures. Nowadays, the tendency to use modular pieces of software and drivers is readily available. For this reason, semiconductor manufacturers also started to publish software tools and drivers to highlight their products and create a loyal designer audience. There were many problems in this library, but it was fixed in time.

HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer): Hardware abstraction layer

     The concept of abstraction in the software world is to hide the sub-details from the user in a system and provide a simple interface to it. A HAL is a hardware abstraction layer that defines a set of routines, protocols, and tools for interacting with hardware. This can be extremely useful for developers who work with multiple microcontroller hardware and need to move applications from one platform to another.

     HAL is focused on creating abstract, high-level functions that can be used to make hardware do things without having to have detailed knowledge of how the hardware works.
HAL can also be a great way to allow non-hardware engineers to still write useful application code without detailed information.

Clock configuration:

     The hardware abstraction layer in software likewise offers two advantages:
The software in the different application layer can be written in a similar way, even if the hardware in the lower layer changes.
 The second advantage is to isolate the complexity of subsystems.


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